Product Recommendations

Small and mighty purification engineered for smaller spaces, the AirDoctor 2000 provides powerful purification for small rooms, medium/small bedrooms, nurseries, home offices and more.

We use nature's most precious elements to make non-toxic skincare products that support radiant skin, a healthy body + a happy self. 10$ off first order of $50+

Naturopathic Doctor Designed, Clinically Practiced & Patient Preferred Since 2007

Our meat is frozen for freshness, safely packaged, and delivered to your door in an eco-friendly, insulated box. Our boxes are specifically designed to keep your meat within the optimal temperature range.

Organic coffee powered by lion’s mane and chaga mushrooms. See results in as little as 7 days with focus that tastes unbelievably delicious.

Applying the highest standards of quality in clean beauty, we create scents that are hypoallergenic, safe for sensitive skin, vegan, and cruelty-free.

For the convenience and health of pure filtered water on the go, the clear choice is the Travel Berkey®️! Our smallest model, the Travel Berkey®️ is built with portability in mind: compact enough for easy carrying during travel and unexpected emergencies.

BioPosture is designed and recommended by top healthcare professionals to provide industry-leading spinal alignment, pressure point relief and orthopedic support.

Your home should be a healthy, happy place - free from toxins and chemicals. Traditional candles contain chemicals that are bad for your family’s health. So we hand-selected ingredients like beeswax and coconut oil that are natural and safe.

15% Off Using Code: DRLEXIETAYLOR15

Backed by science, ION* Gut Support is proven to strengthen the gut lining, improving overall gut function

At Branch Basics, we replace toxic cleaning products to build healthy homes. It powerfully cleans with only the highest quality, natural ingredients. Everything you need to tackle any cleaning job around the house.